Posted by AutoUnit2018 at May 12, 2018, 12:25 p.m.

Best blockchain specialists of the world are going to attend Cryptoseason 2018! 🌍
Sven Möller - the Head adviser of ICO Swisscom Blockchain AG.
✔️Has a strong technical background and also worked as management consultant with a big 4.
✔️Has gained experience with several projects in the industry as IT architect and project manager.
✔️With his team he won several hackathons and innovation competitions in the blockchain space.
Sven will speak on Cryptoseason 2018 which will be held on 06/01/2018. The topic of his speech will be ICO and corporations - model for the future.
He will share the secrets of the implement of blockchain technologies into established businesses.
Purchase tickets right now ➡️
#AutoUnit #business #money #invest #finance